上星期五晚去了灣仔會展看 IFPI
灣仔和友人會合,到位於謝斐道一間意大利小餐館 Al Dente 吃簡單的晚餐。這餐廳我看過 Open Rice
後記: 忘
句,「愛太多空隙,受傷容易,互信互愛才是唯一,對你的付出,都放在心裡,我始終這樣珍惜,怎會忘記。」還有最後的 "How I miss you
還有便是當晚 encore 了三次,第二次 encore 倫永亮出來,帶領觀眾站起來跳舞,揭起高潮。這首《但願人長久》,在倫永亮的鋼琴伴奏下清唱,聽起來很寧靜,很舒服。
admire the spirit behind the long March because it represented that
generation -- the total commitment, their ideal..they move like a
regiment of army ants. Driven by blind conviction, totally oblivious of
place, time.. yet being able to leave their indelible mark in history. "
"I envy their simplicity, power, strength, something l dont think we can achieve at this stage and age....
but then who knows, maybe you can, in yours.."
教室外,學生在排演莎士比亞名劇Romeo and Juliet《羅蜜歐與朱麗葉》,藉著羅蜜歐之口,說出愛情力量之偉大:
"With love like wings did I oer' perch this wall
With stony spirit cannot hold love out
and what love can do, that dares love attempt
therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me"