Saturday, 26 January 2013

Les Miserables 《孤星淚》


我很喜歡戲劇,特別是音樂劇,所以每次外遊,時間許可的話,都會盡量在當地入場觀看。這十多年來看過的音樂劇不少,其中,我最喜歡的,是改編自法國文豪雨果同名著的 "Les Miserables",中文譯作《孤星淚》或《悲慘世界》。


這劇我在美加,倫敦都看過,連同十週年世界巡迴在香港1996 年的演出,不計DVD .. 看過不下

最近這音樂劇被搬上銀幕,由 Tom Hooper 執導,並邀得 Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russel Crowe 等著名演員演出及親自主唱劇中歌曲,一向喜歡這音樂劇的我,當然買票入場支持。

Anne Hathaway 固然備受好評,Hugh Jackman 也有水準演出。當然,嚴格來說,與舞台版尚有一段距離。

Russel Crowe 的 Javert 與 Philip Quast 相距甚遠。但以業餘身份唱到這個水準,已不容易,相比之下,許多香港所謂專業歌手更應當感到汗顏。

最大的驚喜是音樂劇中的飾演原裝 Valjean 的 Colm Wilkinson,居然在電影中客串神父一角!
Colm Wilkinson 是第一代Valjean,由這音樂 1985
於倫敦首演到紐約百老匯,以至加拿大,在1995年的十週年音樂會順理成章,再擔岡飾演這角不過,我最喜歡的尚華莊,是在廿五週年紀念演出這角的 Alfie Boe。Colm Wilkinson 雖然老練,但畢竟年事已高,不比當年,Alfie Boe 卻正當盛年,歌唱事業正藉顛峰,一把清純男高音美麗動聽,現場演繹,真的是繞樑三日。
雖然 overall 歌曲水準及感染力不及音樂劇,不過,我依然覺得這電影值得一看。
特別是從未看過這音樂劇的,這會是一個很好的音樂劇入門。因為電影票價相對音樂劇便宜,而且電影有中英文字幕,看來便不怕不明所以。假如看完電影覺得喜歡又接受的,可考慮購買音樂劇版本的 DVD,我會強力推介1995年十週年及 2010年二十五週年兩個版本。




完電影之後的兩個多星期,每天晚上都拿出 DVD 在家重溫。

"I dreamed a dream"

Anne Hathaway 在電影中飾演 Fontaine 一角,因遇人不淑,成為單親媽媽,為了養活自己及女兒,最後淪落為娼,對人生絕望,貧病交逼而死。這首 "I dreamed a dream",Anne Hathaway 唱來感情投入,聲淚俱下,一鳴驚人,更因此摘下金球獎最佳女配角。個人來說,卻始終比較喜歡由 Lea Salonga 主唱舞台版本的演繹。

Lea Salonga 原籍菲律賓,在倫敦十週年音樂會演出 Eponine一角,是第一個在百老匯舞台演出這角色的亞裔人。因為表現出色,在二十五週年音樂會中更再被邀擔任Fontaine一角。她這個版本沒 Anne Hathaway 的那麼柔弱和煽情,在悲傷絕望中,仍保持一份自重和剛強。

"I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame.."

"On my own"

這是音樂劇中個人很喜歡的角色 Eponine 的一首獨唱歌,歌詞悽苦,道盡單思之痛。

"On my own,pretending he is beside me
All alone I walk with him till morning
without him I feel his arms around me
and when I lose my way
I close my eyes and he has found me

and I know it is only in my mind
and I am talking to myself, and not to him

I love him, but everyday I am learning
All my life, I am only been pretending
without him, his world will go on turning
A world full of happiness that I have never known
I love him, I love him, I love him
but only on my own"

Eponine 單戀 Marius,Marius 眼中卻只有 Cosette,所以她只能在自己一人的時候,幻想他在身旁。然而,她心裡清楚知道,她只是自欺欺人。她愛他,可是他不愛她,她,只有她自己 (on my own..)。後來 Eponine 為他送信給 Cosette,途中遭軍警槍傷,最後在他懷裡死去,總算是求仁得仁。

在電影和二十五週年音樂會中演出 Eponine 的同是 Samantha Barks,所以駕輕就熟,唱方面當然沒問題,不過,在過萬觀眾面前唱,明顯比電影中放和投入,或許這就是舞台劇的魅力吧。

"Do you hear the people sing?"


"Do you hear the people sing
singing the song of angry men
this is the music of a people
who will not be slaves again
when the beating of your heart
echoes the beating of the drums
there is a life about to start
when tomorrow comes.."

還有便是學生壯烈犧牲之後,倖存的 Marius 對著一室空枱空凳,唱的這首
"Empty chairs at empty tables"。

有一種,無法停止的傷痛 ...」

二十五週年的音樂會找來年輕流行歌手 Nick Jonas 飾演 Marius 這角色,劣評如潮。
還是看看由原裝 Marius ie Michael Ball 在十週年音樂會演繹的這個版本吧。

There's a grief that can't be spoken
There's a pain that goes on and on
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my friends are dead and gone

Here they talked of revolution
Here it was they lit a flame
Here they sang about tomorrow
but tomorrow never came

From the table in the corner
they could see a world reborn
and they rose with voices ringing
and I can hear them now
the very words that they had sung
became their last communion
on the lonely barricade at dawn

Oh my friends, my friends, forgive me
that I live and you are gone
There is a grief that cannot be spoken
there is a pain that goes and on

Phantom faces at the window
phantom shadows on the floor
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will meet no more
Oh my friends, my friends, don' t ask me
what your sacrifice was for
empty chairs at empty tables
now my friends will sing no more ....

"One Day More"

已改名換姓的 Valjean 重遇一直追捕他的 Javert,恐怕自己的身份敗露,欲在翌日再次逃亡。
One day more!
Another day, another destiny.
This never-ending road to Calvary;
These men who seem to know my crime
Will surely come a second time.
One day more!

Marius, Cosette 和 Eponine 各懷心事,不知道還會否有機會再見。

Tomorrow you'll be worlds away
And yet with you, my world has started!
Will we ever meet again?
I was born to be with you.
And I swear I will be true!

One more day all on my own.
One more day with him not caring.
What a life I might have known.
But he never saw me there!

ENJOLRAS (學生領袖):
One more day before the storm!
At the barricades of freedom
When our ranks began to form
Will you take your place with me?

Students (學生們):
 One day more to a new beginning
Raise the flag of freedom high!
Every man will be a king
There's a new world for the winning
There's a new world to be won

Javert 代表的執法人員則磨刀霍霍,等著把學生們來一個血腥鎮壓:
One more day to revolution,
We will nip it in the bud!
I will join these little schoolboys
They will wet themselves with blood!

Eponine 的貪心又看風駛履的父母,亦等著乘亂混水摸魚找著數。
Watch 'em run amuck,
Catch 'em as they fall,
Never know your luck
When there's a free for all,
Here a little `dip'
There a little `touch'
Most of them are goners
So they won't miss much!


Tomorrow we'll discover
What our God in Heaven has in store!
One more dawn
One more day
One day more!

這 是十週年音樂會的版本。主唱的包括有原裝飾演Valjean的 Colm Wilkison,飾演Marius 的 Michael Ball,Javert 的 Philip Quast,還有 Lea Salonga 和 Judy Kuhn 等,聽得觀眾如癡如醉,十分精彩。

不過,我最回味的是二十五週年紀念版本。四個 Valjean,連同 1985 original cast,高歌 One day more.. 扣人心弦。可惜 youtube link 被刪除了,未能上載在此。有興趣的可買一只二十五週年紀念音樂會的慢慢欣賞。

二十五週年紀念音樂會臨完場時,更由演出過此劇學校版本的年輕學生手執旗幟從四面八方進場,一邊高唱 "Do you hear the people sing",老中青演員共聚一堂,新舊交替,示意薪火相傳,場面十分感人。

另 外,還有 Valjean 獨唱 "Bring him home" ,Javert 的 "Stars",,小cosette 夢想的"Castle on the Cloud" (雲上的堡壘),學生們唱的"Red and Black" (紅與黑),都是我很喜歡的,可惜找不到這些歌的獨立 link,如想試聽,可看這十週年紀念音樂會完整版本。

Les Miserables 25th anniversary concert - "Bring him home" (Valjean Quartet, incomplete)

Les Miserables 25th anniversary concert - ABC Cafe/ "Red and Black" 

 Les Miserables 25th anniversary concert soundtrack - "Drink with me" 

Cuferaque, you take the watch
They may attack before it's light
Everybody keep the faith
For certain as our banner flies
We are not alone
The people too must rise

Marius, rest.

Drink with me to days gone by

To the life (to the life) that used (that used) to be (to be)
At the shrine of friendship, never say die
Let the wine of friendship never run dry
Here's to you (here's to you) and here's to me

Do I care if I should die
Now she goes across the sea?
Life without Cosette
Means nothing at all.
Would you weep, Cosette,
If i was a fall?
Will you weep, Cosette,
For me?


今晚在倫敦皇后劇場再次入場看 Les Miserables,不記得是第幾次看了,但感覺依然震撼。特別是學生街頭起義,現場再聽 "Red & Black","Drink with me","Empty Chairs at empty tables",等幾首歌 ...
"Here they talked of revolution
Here it was they lit a flame
Here they sang about tomorrow
but tomorrow never came ...."

誠然,此電影是甚少接觸音樂劇的入門,本人正是!非常詳盡的介紹,謝謝!PS, 電影中街壘抗爭的一段,讓我想起另一齣電影,2007年英國電影《出埃及記》(Exodus),以現代的版本,重述摩西帶領以色列人出埃及的經過,是一齣關於人性和移民主題的電影。 
謝謝到訪及留言。你說的英國2007年新版《出埃及記》我沒看過,不過聽你所形容,這電影似乎很有意思,有機會一定會看。又想起BBC 近年拍的現代版 Sherlock Holmes,覺得也很不錯。

02/03/2013 08:11 am 
我也不那麼喜歡 Marius。 
革命之前,學生們都高唱《紅與黑》:「紅,是憤怒人民的鮮血,黑,是過去歲月的黑暗,紅,是黎明的曙光,黑,是終會完結的長夜!」Marius 卻因與 Cosette 一見鍾情,意亂情迷:「紅,我的心靈在燃燒;黑,是當她不在的時候。紅,是慾望的顏色,黑,是絕望的顏色。」Enjorlas 聽到,對他直斥其非,「誰關心你孤獨的心靈?為了達至崇高的理想,我們渺小的生命,已經不算甚麼!」大快人心。

kc at 02/21/2013 08:27 pm reply
不錯,Enjorlas 帶領學生們唱"Red & Black" 那一幕也是我很喜歡的。

01/31/2013 08:14 pm 
"On my own" 很動聽。不過,Eponine 太傻了,為了一個不愛自己的人犧牲性命,值得嗎?

kc at 02/02/2013 08:59 am reply
同意。Marius 其實也不是那麼好。樣子固然不及學生領袖 Enjolars 英俊,(不知何故,由舞台版本以至電影版,演出這角色的,都是全劇演員中最靚仔的!),性格又軟弱,知道Valjean是逃犯,起初還有點嫌棄。後來 Valjean 救了他的性命,他才心生感激。Eponine 為他而死,他不也轉過身,便開開心心和 Cosette 結婚去?!

01/30/2013 08:03 pm 
"Empty chairs at empty tables" 真是一首很令人動容的歌, 不單想起六四,也想起歷史上為了公義,平等,自由等捐軀的許多無名英雄 ... 沒有他們的犧牲,就沒有今日民主社會。

CH at 02/03/2013 10:12 am reply
這是 "Drink with me" 部分歌詞:
"Drink with me to days gone by Can it be you fear to die? Will the world remember you When you fall? Could it be your death Means nothing at all? Is your life just one more lie? Drink with me to days gone by To the life that used to be At the shrine of friendship, never stay dark Let the wine of friendship never run dry Here's to you and here's to me.."

CH at 02/03/2013 10:10 am reply
不錯,"Drink with me" 也是劇中我最喜歡的歌曲之一,與 "Empty chairs at empty tables" 同樣感人。

kc at 02/02/2013 08:37 am reply
還有一首我很喜歡的歌,"Drink with me"。那是學生們慷慨赴義之前一晚,一起舉杯暢飲,一邊歌誦友誼,一邊向他們曾經認識過,有過開心日子的女孩們說再見。場面沉重卻溫馨,很有「風蕭蕭兮易水寒,壯士一去兮不復還」的悲壯,令人落淚。

01/28/2013 07:52 pm 
我未看過舞台音樂劇,但只看電影,已經感覺很震撼。 下次到倫敦一定要入場欣賞。

kc at 02/02/2013 08:39 am reply

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