Saturday, 6 March 2010

羅力威 @ 3 Rock Your Dream


I went to both shows of the "Rock the Dream" Concert during the Chinese New Year and still haven't got over the excitement. 

I am particularly impressed by the performance of Adason Lo 羅 力威 , Asian Million Star Champion.
People say he looks like Jerry Yen and sings like Jay Chow, but I like him as he is. 
He plays piano and composes his own songs. His singing may not be perfect but every time he sings, he  sings with his heart and that is what makes his singing so touching. I am so happy that Hong Kong finally has a young, good looking and talented singer with heart...

Below are extracts of his performance from the concert which are my personal favourites. Do check out when you have time:

紅不紅  Red or not   - this is the song he composed (both lyrics and melody) as a response to the negative publicity which had so upset him since he became champion. He sang the song on both nights of the conert. In the first night, he had specially gone backstage and changed into the clothes which he wore in his first appearance at the Asian Million Star contest to sing this song. I think this is his way of telling everyone that after all that had happened, he is still the same Adason  -- who is true to himself, who sings because he loves music, not for fame nor for fortune..and would be happy if those who listen to his music like and are moved by it..

His performance on the second night of the concert (see below link) was even better. In fact I think this must be his BEST public performance so far..In this version, he had made a number of changes to the song..and sang with so much power and passion! It is like he is trying to vent out all his anger, frustration, sadness and despair while also firmly stating out loud his belief and intention to stay true to himself..

The below is not very complete but is a close-up HD version -- you can see the exasperaton, sorrow (and tears) in his eyes very clearly..makes me cry every time I watch it..

櫻花咒 (Curse of the Cherry Blossom) - a new song written by Adason for Sharco Kang (runner up) beautifully played and sung at the concert.. Look at how Adason is enjoying and totally immersed in the piano playing and his eye contact/interaction with Sharco -  who apparently doesn’t know the song too well so was quite hesitant at first..but Adason kept looking in his eyes, giving him prompts here and there..his very powerful piano playing finally passed on to Sharco and the duet towards the end was perfect!

 謝謝你 (Thanks to you)  - This song was composed by Adason (who also wrote the lyrics) to express his heartful thanks to the panel of judges, and the two MCs (ah Lo and BoYee). This song was sang by All, with Adason leading towards the end of the concert - see how all the judges (especially Maria Codera) are bursting into tears, standing up and applauding ..very touching indeed!

(video no longer available on youtube)

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